728 Glenway St. Madison, WI 53711
Phone: (608) 235-9590
Email: parmanplace@rousecommunity.com
728 Glenway St. Madison, WI 53711
Phone: (608) 235-9590
Email: parmanplace@rousecommunity.com
Parman Place, in the unbeatable Monroe Street neighborhood, is located across from the UW Arboretum and within walking distance to Lake Wingra.
Studios: Starting at $1,300
1 Bedrooms: Starting at $1,650
2 Bedrooms: Starting at $2,150
Lease terms for Parman Place are for August 1st, 2025 to July 31st, 2026
1-bedroom: $1,650/month – Floor plan C – 697 sq.ft.
1-bedroom: $1,650/month – Floor plan E – 693 sq.ft.
Studio: $1,400/month – Floor plan B – 515 sq.ft.
None at this time
Our availability changes frequently. Please call our rental office to receive the most up to date information.
Included with the rent is Water, Hot Water, Sewer & Trash Pick-Up
Please call or email us us with any questions at (608) 235-9590 or parmanplace@rousemgmt.com
Thanks for your interest in Parman Place Apartments!
Post Office: Change of address form online: https://moversguide.usps.com/
Gas/Electric: MG&E | (608) 252-7222 | www.mge.com
To Start or To Stop Service: https://www.mge.com/my_mge/serviceforms/index.htm
Phone/Internet/Cable: TDS Metrocom | 1-877-208-5111 | www.tdsmetro.com
AT&T | 1-800-924-1000 | www.att.com
Charter | 1-800-581-0081 | www.charter.com
Please view Madison Metro to get you on your way!